A Bellingham Foodie Blog Restaurant Reviews Bellingham Washington 98225

June 12, 2008

Arlis’s Restaurant Bellingham

I spent the entire morning playing. It’s hard work, but sometimes school volunteering is tough. And I got to take the 5 year old with me. She was hesitant once she stepped outside to 46 degrees and drizzle (on June 10?), but the trooper in her came out. She, too, believes in the hard work of play. We lucked out and the drizzle abated and she got to play floor hockey as much as she wanted. (It was Play Day at the Carl Cozier Elementary School.)

And then lunch time rolled around. She suggested a restaurant. She and I are going to enjoy being grown-ups together. Off we went to Arlis’s Restaurant where ‘Breakfast Anytime’ is the motto on their sign.

It is a diner in the true old fashioned sense. Simple, clean and good eats. They have lots to pick from on the menu. We ordered the chicken finger and fries and a Mariner Melt: tuna with grilled onions and mushrooms and cheese on grilled sourdough. I also got their homemade baked beans and a side of onion rings.

The kids’ food disappeared after a huge portion of onion rings. We really liked the onion rings (it was her first time). They were fresh with crunch to spare. Her chicken was spicy, just the way she likes it. My tuna melt was really delicious and hot. The homemade baked beans were excellent. They weren’t mushy and they tasted chocolaty and sweet with onions and small firm chunks of bacon. Very good.

Now, the placard next to the front door says ‘homemade pies’. Not going home without a taste of one. We picked cherry pie warmed with vanilla ice cream on the side (wasn’t sure how much would be shared). And, yes, this pie was homemade fantastic! The crust was light, flaky and latticed letting big delicious cherries pop through. It was nice and tart, and only a little sweet. Wonderful.

There was some left for at home sharing (and the takeout container was recyclable cardboard – not foam!). When we got home my partner was just taking a food break. What luck! The container was emptied right there and then. And I quote: ‘I just knew that Arlis’s would be a good place to eat. Are you going to write about it, or keep this one a secret?’ Well, now you know.

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