A Bellingham Foodie Blog Restaurant Reviews Bellingham Washington 98225

September 9, 2010

Caponata alla Margret

Filed under: Bellingham local,local,Pacific Northwest — Bellinghamster @ 9:29 pm

I get deliveries from Moondance Farms every Monday evening. CSA boxes are like presents for me. As I sort through all the goodies, I think of favorite recipes. I knew when I saw the eggplant I would make Margret’s recipe for Caponata. It would be the perfect sweet/sour New Year’s dish for Rosh HaShanah.

Margret would make it as an appetizer for family gatherings. It was always fantastic! One Christmas I asked for the recipe and she happily wrote it on the back of  a piece of wrapping paper.

I made it so often the paper didn’t hold up, so I scanned it. Now when I look at it written in her hand writing I smile widely and remember the good times. 9-9-10

Caponata alla Margret


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