A Bellingham Foodie Blog Restaurant Reviews Bellingham Washington 98225

April 12, 2009

Tribute To You: Validation

Filed under: Bellingham local,local,Pacific Northwest,Seattle — Bellinghamster @ 10:02 pm

There are people who always help me feel happy. Their disposition is just naturally sunny (I even think they glow a bit).

Take for instance, my daughter’s kindergarten friends, Zoey and Kylie. They are just soo nice! They are great friends to my daughter and they really manage to get along. And they’re nice to me, too!

Community Food Co-op is a shining example of people who are sunny and/or above board helpful. Erin is the best because she knows how to stick it to me and I don’t even know it – that’s major talent from a girl from Ohio. My NY sarcasm is never lost on her, merely lobbed back like a birdie – bing!

And there are the Trader Joester’s I like so much. They never look at me cross-eyed regardless of my comments and requests and returns: Cynthia with her fruit and fish earrings, Katie who remembers me even on a bad hair day with a hat pulled down over my head and Jessica (she glows a bit and I think it’s because she’s a new Mom) and all her helpful gluten free ideas.

Even the Costco sample servers don’t mind my seconds (it helps if I buy the product being sampled). They smile and nod their heads with hair wrapped in netting; offer hints on receipes. The Costco people are ever ready to guide me through the store in search of THE item I want or dissect the ingredients on a package for me.

And although the only connection to food is they sell See’s Chocolate’s for charity, Kathy and Tami at Wee One’s Rerun’s are fantastic!

I almost forgot everyone at Super Supplements. They employ gurus of health there.

The Bethany’s of the Library, the Bev’s of the Museum, the Lance’s of the Aquatic Center, Sportsplex and the myriad hockey rinks within a 100 mile radius of Bellingham, Border Crossing guards (joking – too tough a job for smiling) – to these people and many other strangers I engage with daily I offer the following:



  1. Awesome video about the power of a smile. Thanks for sharing!

    Comment by Laura — April 28, 2009 @ 11:27 am

  2. Aw shucks…

    Comment by Erin — April 28, 2009 @ 11:36 am

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