Think big red British bus with outdoor picnic tables and fresh fresh fresh fish served by Vicki and you’ve arrived at Jacci’s Fairhaven Fish & Chips in Bellingham, WA. Walk up to the bus window and place your order. It’s an easy menu: clam chowder (fresh daily) or salmon, halibut, cod or chicken with chips and cole slaw (fresh daily). They’ll call you when it’s ready – have a seat and soak up, hmm, depending on the time of year, sun or rain. Or you could get your order to go. She also serves over 24 flavors of soft ice cream, milkshakes and floats. Indulge!
I am a HUGE fish and chips fan (although I trade my chips for slaw). Everywhere I go to eat I check the fish selection. In Fairhaven, Vicki serves the tastiest fish and chips. Just ask my daughter, it’s her favorite place for it, too.
Jacci’s Fairhaven Fish and Chips 1020 Harris Ave  Fairhaven WA 98225 M-Sat 11-7 Sun 12-5    360-733-5021

Photo delivered via Robin Dude's Flickr photostream