A Bellingham Foodie Blog Restaurant Reviews Bellingham Washington 98225

April 5, 2009

Coffee & Chocolate

Filed under: Bellingham local,local,Pacific Northwest — Bellinghamster @ 9:19 pm

Now why is it in all my life no one has told me coffee is as good, if not better, than chocolate? I feel I have been deprived!

When I was a kid growing up in NYC, there was a commercial on TV for the Fresh Air Fund. If I remember correctly, it was a charity that enabled inner city kids to get a vacation in the country. Well, I think my parents took it to heart because, even though I was not by any means a deprived city kid, they sent me for a week or two to visit with family friends who did live in the country.

I remember when I was 10 years old I visited with a family living in Westminster, MD. They had a daughter my age. Picture rolling green pastures with neat houses dotted about the landscape. No NYC pollution there. The food was from their own garden or local gardens,  and the local butcher. I ate well there (I think part of my mother’s plan to fatten me up – I was very skinny).  Children always try something at another home that they wouldn’t dare let pass their lips at their own home! One new thing I tried was coffee. Well, I don’t remember what kind it was, but I do recall its black thick steamy murkiness! And it was terribly bitter. Maybe they should have put some milk in it and make a latte.  So since then, no coffee for me!

Until yesterday. What happened to change my mind? Well, I was food shopping (surprise!) at Trader Joe’s (surprise!). The Galley always has an organic fair trade coffee brewing and it smelled sooo good. I figured how bad could it still be? Plus, it would only be a dixie cup size and there was rice milk to dilute and cool it. Low and behold, wonder of wonders (I know, lame to all you coffee fanatics) it was delicious! My goodness! Like liquid chocolate! I told my partner about it and he told me to taste it like wine…smell it while slowly drinking it in with air,  and then swirling it around in my mouth. YUM!

Now I belong to another group of people…coffee drinkers!

1 Comment

  1. Now, the thing to try is really good coffee with really good chocolate.

    It’s second only to red wine and really good chocolate.

    Comment by Lisa Spangenberg — April 6, 2009 @ 11:49 am

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