A Bellingham Foodie Blog Restaurant Reviews Bellingham Washington 98225

June 8, 2008


Filed under: Pacific Northwest — Tags: — Bellinghamster @ 9:50 pm

From the funny guys at Swobo

1 Comment

  1. Hey there, B’Ham Foodie. Just found your blog today. I’m similarly on a quest to create a list of “good places to eat that won’t bankrupt me” and would like to find more non-fastfood type places that are good, reasonably quick, and in the $10-$15 entree range. So far I have: Boundary Bay, Pepper Sisters, OnRice (Thai), LaFiamma Pizza, Jeckyl & Hyde Pizza/Deli, Taco Lobo, BlueFin Sushi, D’Anna Italian, A&W Asian Bistro, Mambo Italiano, Copper Hog. Some of these are starting to get into the pricey range, but they’re lower than “the next higher pricey level” which would be places such as Anthony’s and Prospect Cafe. Anyway if you have suggestions for more places for my list, please blog ’em…. thanks!!

    Comment by Jennifer — June 10, 2008 @ 9:25 am

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